My little happy elf
Gabrielle and Fi - Fiona says the dough was very sticky!

The girls "stirring up" trouble after watching "Rudolph"
My little happy elf
Gabrielle and Fi - Fiona says the dough was very sticky!
The girls "stirring up" trouble after watching "Rudolph"
Fiona and Tilly - Fi's not impressed with the crying spree
My little Swiss Miss :)
Mummy and Tilly
1) It is natural! Your baby has just spent 9 months in the warmth, safety and security of your womb. It only makes sense that having your baby close to you once s/he is born would be beneficial also! The baby continues to hear your heartbeat, feel the rhythm of your breathing, and hear your familiar voice. What a better way to transition your child to life outside the womb?
2) Babies worn close to their parents cry less - up to 43% less! In the Western World where babywearing is not as common, it is acceptable and even often advised to let babies cry. In the majority of cultures throughout the world, babies spend the majority of their time in the arms of their mother or a relative.
3) Sling babies learn more. Since the majority of their time is not spent crying, sling babies are in a state being alert and aware - taking in their surroundings to a greater extent. Photo by Louise Batalla-Duran
4) Sling babies are "humanized" earlier. Babies are intimately involved in their caregiver's world. Their proximity to their caregiver allows them the opportunity to experience what their parent is experiencing - human interaction!
5) Sling babies are smarter. The exposure to a variety of experiences and stimuli allows the baby's brain to develop and grow exponentially.
6) Babywearing enhances speech development. Sling babies are more attentive - focusing in on adult conversations.
7) While breastfeeding is a great bonding experience for mothers, babywearing allows fathers, grandparents, siblings, and babysitters to develop strong bonds with the child.
8) It is convenient! You can breastfeed discretely in a sling. You can have your hands free and still go about your daily activities.
9) My friend Suzanne even commented that she liked that her daughter, Kitely, was "protected" from the general public when she was in her sling. She liked that she could go out and about without strangers approaching her wanting to touch and hold the baby.
10) Last but certainly not least, there are numerous medical benefits. Babies with colic and acid reflux benefit from the more upright position of babywearing by reducing gas bubbles and aiding in digestion. In fact, many sociologists and anthropologists have found in cultures where children are primarily carried, colic is non-existent!
Fiona learning about opossums at Ijams (notice the tail!)
Fi splashing in the stream - Great Smoky Mountains - and offering me some acorns
And finally...relaxing on a tree with her walking stick
I didn't want to go to Babies R Us or one of those other stores that have prepackaged ideas and the standard crib bedding sets. I knew that I could find something I would like more on my own. I boiled down the necessities and figured out all I really wanted for bedding was a decorative crib skirt and bumper pad. I could provide a cheaper organic cotton option by just purchasing organic crib sheets. On a recent trip to IKEA, I found the perfect cotton canvas fabric. The fabric is bright kelly green and reminds me of grass. (Believe me, the picture doesn't do it justice).
With the crib bedding down, I could focus on the walls and decor. Marcus suggested that we paint two walls pink and two walls green. I loved the idea! So off to find paint.Rapeseed field along the road to the next village, Kersey
The English are no different than other folks in that they love their food. Despite its bad reputation, I have to say, they have some excellent culinary offerings.
St. Mary's Church
St. Mary's Church is one of the grandest Suffolk churches. It is one of the only churches in this area that is adorned with a medieval spire. It was built in the 14th century and is also one of the longest churches. I love to walk amongst the graves and crypts that are scattered in front of this magnificent church.
After browsing in the second hand book shops and boutiques along the High Street, we head out to the nearby village of Monks Eleigh for a nice lunch at Bridge Farm Barns (formerly known as the Corn Craft). This family farm features a gift shop, a quaint restaurant, and craft shop. "Corn dollies" are featured prominently through the farm. Creating the dolls from the last sheaf of corn is an art form dating back to the pagan times.
I have to visit every time we go because I MUST get my cream tea fix. A cream tea consists of English scones, Devon clotted cream, garnished with strawberry jam and a hot pot of tea. The pictures do not do a cream tea justice - believe me! It is a little bit of heaven on Earth.
After a bit of shopping at Bridge Farm Barns and a full belly, we head back to Hadleigh. There we would meet up with some friends at the pub - an English tradition. Pubs are the focal point of most English communities. No doubt the regulars will be stationed on their favourite bar stool. Over a pint of traditional British cask/real ale, a stout, lager or cider, we would discuss the lastest football (soccery to the Americans), rugby or cricket matches or perhaps try our hand at one of the many 'fruit machines' - gambling games that feature many different themes.
Since we have had a few pints, we could then hop on the bus and head into Ipswich city centre for a little shopping. Public transportation is cheap and easy to find in England. With petrol prices the equivalent of $8.00/galloon USD, many people park their cars and take advantage of buses and trains to get them around. For those who do drive, they tend to drive small, fuel efficient vehicles like the Smart Car.
Once in Ipswich, we could browse around "Marks and Sparks" - Marks and Spencer, one of the most iconic and widely recognised chain stores in the United Kingdom. For more upscale shopping, we might head over to Debenhams or for those who are looking for fashion on a budget, how about H&M? My trip to England isn't complete without a "poke 'round" my favourite shop - Accessorize - a store dedicated to nothing more than jewelry, purses, and scarves.
If you aren't in the mood for fish, how about another British staple? A nice curry! Curry is the English description of any of a general variety of spicy dishes, best-known in Pakistani, Indian, Sri Lankan, Nepali, Indonesian, Malaysian, Thai, and other South Asian and Southeast Asian cuisines. Curry houses are quickly outnumbering the traditional fish and chip shops. In a relatively short space of time curry has become an integral part of British cuisine, so much so that, since the late 1990s, Chicken Tikka Masala has been commonly referred to as the "British national dish".
After a nice dinner, it's back to the pub for karaoke or heading out to the nightclubs with your "mates".
I am honoured to know her and her family.
Recently, Lu called me out on her blog for not having my site up and running yet. She further challenged me by tagging me to post an entry about my favourite country, hometown, city, state, etc. I am up for the challenge but thought it might be a bit more appropriate for me to first introduce myself since I am new to the blogosphere. So here goes..
Tree Huggin' Mummy with Fiona - May 2008
My name is Kimberly. I live in East Tennessee nestled amongst the beautiful Smoky Mountains with my British husband and 3 year old daughter. We have daughter number two on the way - due in September. I grew up in a military family so we moved around a lot. This not only fed my desire to travel but nurtured my spirit which thrives on change.
After high school graduation, I moved to the Washington, DC area and lived in various suburbs around the nation's capital for four years. I was able to exercise my activist nature by participating in a number of marches and protests. From there, I went on to complete my undergraduate degree at James Madison University majoring in Cultural Anthropology and History. (I have long admired Jane Goodall and Margaret Meade and had hoped to make as big an impact as they have.)
Flash forward two years and a failed marriage, I found myself single and the world my oyster. My girlfriend who was helping me through my divorce suggested that we embark on a lifelong dream of going to England. In the spring of 1999, I took my first trip to the UK and was smitten. Determined to move to the land of fish and chips, double decker buses and great cups of tea, I looked into a Master's degree programme at Birmingham University. It is on one of my "reconnaissance" trips that I met Marcus - the landlord at Molly O' Grady's Irish pub above Victoria train station.
Marcus and I had loads in common - he had grown up moving around too: Africa, Holland, Malaysia, the Bahamas, etc. for example - and from that day forward became inseparable. After I completed my degree programme, we decided to hop the pond to America (his decision!) and become husband and wife in August 2000.
We enjoyed five years of wedded bliss before our first child came along. Fiona was born in April 2005 and has been the joy of our lives for the last three years. As I mentioned before, we are due with our second daughter in September. (Marcus who has 3 sisters has determined he is destined to be around women all his life!) We have a pretty estrogen dominated household - Mummy, Fiona, baby girl on the way, and three female pets - Lulu dog, Molly cat, and Biko cat.
Our lives are hectic but zany and fun-filled.
As for my "career"/occupation: after 7 years in the non-profit arena, I made an effort to find a more sane life. I work now in the insurance business but I find corporate America and I are not good bedfellows. I strive to secure an occupation that will allow me to travel encountering new cultures for a living (Travel Channel: here I am!!).
Throughout my life, I had always been interested in "saving the world", nature, the environment, conservation, etc. and becoming a parent has only reinforced my ideals. I continue to learn, grow, and become a better world citizen. I am thankful for my friends, my fellow bloggers, and the caring community out on the www who continue to inspire and guide me on my quest.
Hopefully this little introduction provided some insight into my life. Stay tuned because there is more to come...
Next up... a trip to jolly ole England