Perhaps it is just me but I sailed through the first 8 months of my pregnancy blissfully aware that I needed to create and decorate a nursery. One would think that having done this before I would be sitting back, enjoying the last 6 weeks of pregnancy. But no, as I type this blog, I sit in what will become our little girl's room. The nursery is a sparse room with a computer desk.
Well, in our defense, at least the nursery is no longer Fiona's playroom. We have made SOME progress. We had to relocate the toys, kitchen set and art center. What was sacrificed to create a play room for our eldest and her sibling-to-be? Marcus's "man cave" - his pride and joy - an authentic English pub. No longer does the Guinness Draught neon sign adorn the walls. No, Todd Parr framed prints have taken its place. It was a sad day as many happy British parties were hosted there and many memories made. Perfect pints and glasses of Rioja are replaced with chocolate milk in sippy cups and Honest Kids juice pouches.
With a clean slate, I have had no excuses not to get the nursery all prepared. (This phenomenon of preparing for the arrival is commonly known as "nesting" for those of you who haven't had a baby). I am delighted to announce that things are finally coming along..thanks to IKEA and a little ole website known as Etsy.

I didn't want to go to Babies R Us or one of those other stores that have prepackaged ideas and the standard crib bedding sets. I knew that I could find something I would like more on my own. I boiled down the necessities and figured out all I really wanted for bedding was a decorative crib skirt and bumper pad. I could provide a cheaper organic cotton option by just purchasing organic crib sheets. On a recent trip to IKEA, I found the perfect cotton canvas fabric. The fabric is bright kelly green and reminds me of grass. (Believe me, the picture doesn't do it justice).
With the crib bedding down, I could focus on the walls and decor. Marcus suggested that we paint two walls pink and two walls green. I loved the idea! So off to find paint.We had been on a search for environmentally-friendly, low VOC paint for a while. (VOCs are solvents that are found in most paints that contribute to indoor air pollution, allergies and asthma in children, and the destruction of the ozone layer). Most of what we could find online was expensive. But thanks to Treehugger, we found out Lowe's had a great option! Luckily Lowe's carries the Olympic line of paint which have no VOCs, is affordable, come in a variety of colors and is Green Seal certified! Read more about Olympic paint here.

Etsy is

I also had a Land of Nod gift card that I hadn't used so I surfed over there to find another fabulous piece - their kids tree removable tree wall decal. This would serve as a perfect mural for behind the crib. Voila!

So sweet!! Your home decoration theme is just superb.
eep! this sounds so cute, i hope i can make it next weekend to put your vision into reality!
I look forward to helping you out, I really hope we can find a date soon to meet up! Strawberry will love her nursery~ :)
hey kim,
Lu again, I just wanted to let you know that even though my mom will most likely be busy this week and the coming weekend...if you still need help painting I can bring Vanessa with me and we would love to help you. we should be free any day this week if you're interested. I will start working on that work of art for strawberry soon ;)
lots of bisous,
Love the nursery ideas! I can't wait to see it when you get it all put together!! Sounds like it's going to be adorable!!!
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