05 November 2009
parting is such sweet sorrow
20 July 2009
Joubert Syndrome Conference
Sorry it has been so long since my last update... just got back from my first Joubert Syndrome Foundation conference in Cincinnati and wow! I have never been so inspired and comforted. It was amazing to be in a room full of people that truly know what you are going through! I have never felt such unconditional love and acceptance. Both Tilly and I made some amazing new friends who will be with us for the rest of our lives. I am physically and emotionally wiped out but I promise I will post more including great info I learned and some photos! Until then, take care!
01 July 2009
Hello darlin', it's been a long time...

I am sorry for the long leave of absence...my life has taken some very unexpected twists and turns in the last month/six weeks. I took some time to work through things and I believe I am back on track. I know that I am speaking a bit in code; however, I don't want to say too much as things on the 'net are always "out there" and can sometimes come back to haunt you. Suffice to say that I am mending a broken heart and though the finality of the relationship ending was a bit surreal, I am truly finding the rainbow after the thunderstorm....
One of the biggest things I have decided is to eliminate all the negativity from my life. I am making better choices as to whom I spend my time with and I am so much happier. I am also choosing to ignore attempts to drag me down. The past is truly the past and I am moving forward. No reason to get stuck on the hamster wheel of analyzing, worrying and wondering. Everything happens for a reason. I know that there is a plan for me that though I may not understand, is being revealed. Oh and karma is alive and well, too! :)
The beauty of my situation is that I have really bonded with some amazingly strong women who I am so very lucky to call friends now. These are women who are not only smart, funny, and such positive human beings but whom are also incredible mothers with like values. (J: I can't believe you actually used the term "stepford mothers"!!!)
It's a new beginning...for Fiona, for Tilly, and for myself... we are embracing the change - new experiences, new friendships, new environments. What a beautiful time it truly is!
20 May 2009
some much needed R&R...

14 May 2009
what an honour!

A little while back I was asked to become the "green spokesperson" of sorts for my home state, Tennessee. I had joined a great site, The Green Parent, and Jenn Savedge, its founder, asked me to put together some resources for being in Tennessee. I just found out that my information was published to the site. Check it out here. Please spend some time taking a look around the fabulous blog and consider joining the fantastic network of green parents!
13 May 2009
busy bee...

04 May 2009
An Eco-Friendly 4th! :)

VerTerra's plates:
* can be used in the microwave, oven and refrigerator
* made from 100% renewable plant matter - fallen palm leaves (not even harvested!)
* no chemicals, dyes, or waxes
* completely biodegradable and compostable - they will biodegrade in 20 - 60 days
* are made by a fair labour company that treats its workers with respect
For cups, I purchased Preserve's recycled tumblers... The tumblers are made with 100% recycled plastic, study and reusuable, BPA-free, and able to be recycled wherever #5 plastics are accepted.

Friend, Olivia, creating a masterpiece
A house any bird would be proud to inhabit
Mid-game - before the victor had been declared
Refreshments consisted of typical kiddie fare - organic fruit & vegetables, cheese & crackers, juice, and pizza. Instead of a store bought cake, Fiona asked me to make her cupcakes again this year. I tinkered with the idea of a kitty cat face, but decided to do a simple paw print made with Cadbury chocolate buttons (from England - one of Fi's favourites) and chocolate chips.
one batch of cupcakes

For goody bags, I ordered reusuable linen drawstring bags I found online. Each guest received a Yummy Earth organic lollipop, a couple of Endangered Species chocolates, a cute little Buzzy Seeds sensitive plant that I found in the $1.00 bin at Target (again, a stretch with the cat theme but a kind of "cat nip") and a reusuable cat-themed cloth napkin, made by Fiona's "Gigi" (my Mom).
the goody bags were a huge hit!
After the festivities were over, the children continued to play together - enjoying the beauty of the day and the park's beautiful environment. The party ended on a high note with a train racing by blowing its whistle.
skipping stones at the lake was a favourite, unplanned, activity!
here are just a few of the guests who loved being close to the water
It was another fabulous birthday celebration for our Fiona. From the beautiful weather, to the outpouring of support for our cat food collection, and sweet compliments on the party being both original and environmentally-friendly - a good time was had by all! I will soon post pictures of Fiona delivering the donations to the Humane Society. Until then, I hope you will consider incorporating earth-friendly ideas and products into your next gathering.
If you would like to learn more about green parties, please visit the links below.
Eco Child's Play blog
Not Quite Crunchy Parent goodie bag ideas
Kiwi Magazine Birthday Party Ideas