14 May 2009

what an honour!

A little while back I was asked to become the "green spokesperson" of sorts for my home state, Tennessee. I had joined a great site, The Green Parent, and Jenn Savedge, its founder, asked me to put together some resources for being in Tennessee. I just found out that my information was published to the site. Check it out here. Please spend some time taking a look around the fabulous blog and consider joining the fantastic network of green parents!


Doreen/www.MomGoesGreen.com said...

... well deserved and a great job too! :) Bravo to you!

Jen said...

Man, that is awesome Kimberly. You did a great job compiling all that data.

I really would like to donate a coffee cozy or two for the auction. Would that be ok? If so, just e-mail me (jenniferhkline at yahoo dot com)your address and I will get them into the mail.

GinSpaghetti said...