Sorry it has been so long since my last update... just got back from my first Joubert Syndrome Foundation conference in Cincinnati and wow! I have never been so inspired and comforted. It was amazing to be in a room full of people that truly know what you are going through! I have never felt such unconditional love and acceptance. Both Tilly and I made some amazing new friends who will be with us for the rest of our lives. I am physically and emotionally wiped out but I promise I will post more including great info I learned and some photos! Until then, take care!
20 July 2009
Joubert Syndrome Conference
01 July 2009
Hello darlin', it's been a long time...

I am sorry for the long leave of life has taken some very unexpected twists and turns in the last month/six weeks. I took some time to work through things and I believe I am back on track. I know that I am speaking a bit in code; however, I don't want to say too much as things on the 'net are always "out there" and can sometimes come back to haunt you. Suffice to say that I am mending a broken heart and though the finality of the relationship ending was a bit surreal, I am truly finding the rainbow after the thunderstorm....
One of the biggest things I have decided is to eliminate all the negativity from my life. I am making better choices as to whom I spend my time with and I am so much happier. I am also choosing to ignore attempts to drag me down. The past is truly the past and I am moving forward. No reason to get stuck on the hamster wheel of analyzing, worrying and wondering. Everything happens for a reason. I know that there is a plan for me that though I may not understand, is being revealed. Oh and karma is alive and well, too! :)
The beauty of my situation is that I have really bonded with some amazingly strong women who I am so very lucky to call friends now. These are women who are not only smart, funny, and such positive human beings but whom are also incredible mothers with like values. (J: I can't believe you actually used the term "stepford mothers"!!!)
It's a new beginning...for Fiona, for Tilly, and for myself... we are embracing the change - new experiences, new friendships, new environments. What a beautiful time it truly is!