Fiona and Matilda - from our Christmas card
Another long break from bloggin' but Ms. Matlida has been keeping me very busy these days. Speaking of Matilda, a quick update...she is doing very well.
She has turned 3 months and is starting to let her personality shine. She smiles and coos and is really turned into quite a character. On the medical front, she has been taking all of her bottles by mouth and we will soon be discontinuing her overnight tube night feedings - HURRAH! We have also been able to stop the anti-seizure medications which allow her to be more awake, alert and interactive. I think this little girl is going to be just fiiine. ;)
The Stapletons are ushering in the Crimbo season in frenzied style. Fiona is really enjoying all the lights and sounds of Christmas. She loves singing "Jingle Bell Rock" at the top of her lungs and just recently developed an appreciation of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Fiona: "Gigi, who is singing on this?" My mother: "A choir, Fiona". Fiona: "It's BEAUTIFUL!!" She also enjoys driving around looking at the decorations and seeing what the day's ornament is from her advent box.
Getting into the festive spirit, we recently went to visit Hope, TJ and Gabrielle to decorate and bake sugar cookies. I will leave you with a few photos from that entertaining afternoon. If I don't get back 'round here before Christmas - HAPPY CHRISTMAS to all my friends and fellow blogger mates!
My little happy elf
Gabrielle and Fi - Fiona says the dough was very sticky!

The girls "stirring up" trouble after watching "Rudolph"